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« Funky Fibers!!! | Main | FO Summery Bag »

July 23, 2008


The quilt is beautiful and I love the poem!

That's a really great quilt!! Did it take a long time to make? It looks really intricate and detailed. That is so cool that the little boy you made it for loves and appreciates it so much!

I love this post, the quilt is beautiful and I love the accompanying poem.

My SIL made a quilt for my son, he received it when he was born. It is his most loved blankie, and I'm not sure what we'd do if something happened to it. When he's stressed out, he twirls the strings used for tacking. He will not sleep without it! Those are my favorite gifts...ones that have nothing to do with what I think about it, just how my children feel about it. The ones I will always remember.

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