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« FO Lemonade Eyelets | Main | 2 new projects »

June 03, 2008


We had a dog that had bad skin allergies so my Mom would sew her "dresses" so she wouldn't be able to scratch and chew so easily. That dog thought she was the most beautiful dog in the world with those dresses on. Abby must know that she looks beautiful, too.

how cute!

I am SO jealous of your summer off! :)

Congrats!! I can't wait to see all the stuff you make from your yarn and fabric stash. Your dog is so cute and I love the T-shirt on her - I love dressing animals up.

I can tell you how I link songs to my blog if you want to email me. It's easy on Typepad.

Have a wonderful summer! Your Tina Top looks great so far. Will Abby get to wear it, also?

Have a wonderful summer! Your Tina Top looks great so far. Will Abby get to wear it, also?

I love the color of your lotus blossom tank. I am so jealous the summer off. Lucky you !!!!

Abby looks so cute in her shirt. I think red is her color.

Have a great summer! Things have been crazy around here lately - hopefully after next weekend I'll have time again to come hang out and knit! Hope your doggie is feeling better soon.

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