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August 07, 2007


What don't you like about it? I may be biased! I love it! And I also love green gable!! I've made that one too lol

I think it's very cute. Could you make it just a tad longer?

I also think it's cute! but if you don't like it and won't wear it then go for the green gable. You could always keep it awhile and see if you ever wear it and then rip it out next summer if you don't....

I think it's cute!! I think it looks good layered over a cami, the way you have. I would just move on and buy myself some more Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece for a Green Gable. It's not that pricey and is always a great staple to have around the house in the stash, so you could use it for something else if you changed your mind.

while i agree that it's really cute, jeanne's got a good point that you could keep it around for awhile to see if you will wear it and if not, frog it and make the green gable. good job, though...i'm still amazed at how quickly you can produce fo's!

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